Prayer Blessings for our Missionaries

Written by: Bill Patterson

Have you ever visited a grocery store and not found what you needed? Has your neighborhood school ever been closed due to a widespread illness? Have local authorities cancelled your church services for weeks at a time? Because of the coronavirus pandemic, almost everyone can now relate to these experiences. Some of these situations are normal life for missionaries around the world.

During our years in Mongolia, the country shut down twice due to widespread illness. Due to H1N1, schools were closed, imported food (all the good stuff) was gone for months, and our health was compromised. After a visit from a dear brother who requested prayer for his illness, I came down with H1N1 myself.

Shortages at the stores created what was often called “the Moscow Rule of Shopping.” That is, if you think you might ever need something that you have just seen, you buy it, knowing that it will most likely not be there the next time you go there. Returning to the US after eight years in Mongolia was not easy. Entering a Walmart Supercenter was incredibly difficult when you literally wanted to buy at least one of everything you saw!

At times like these, we learn that God is our provider. He alone can satisfy the deep needs of our heart. He is the only one who can help us, and He asks us to prayerfully ask His help. Since only God can meet our needs, would you please pray these seven blessings upon your missionaries:

The Blessing of Resources: There are many things that money can buy, but only if they are for sale. Often enough, missionaries face financial difficulties. At other times, there is nothing for sale even if one has money. We once saw a watermelon for sale and were so excited until we noticed the price: $80 Dollars!

The Blessing of Power: God gives power for a missionary to preach, teach, and serve. Humanly speaking, we are often weak beyond imagination, but we must do what God has called us to do. There is a hidden power in prayer that God wants us to discover!

The Blessing of Wisdom: A missionary is a full-time Christian messenger, but also a part-time diplomat, doctor, and dog-chaser. Someone once asked a missionary to send them a list of all that happens in a normal day of work. He answered: “I have never had one!” Missionaries need wisdom for the many decisions we face every day.

The Blessing of Laborers: Every missionary needs others to join him in doing God’s work. Some are willing to serve with the missionary for the wrong reasons. Discerning with whom to work and how to accomplish the task requires divine direction.

The Blessing of Protection: Many missionaries face life-threatening situations. I have been attacked and assaulted, and have had to protect my family from murderous criminals. God is the one who gave me strength and protected our lives.

The Blessing of Courage: Courage is not the absence of fear, it is knowing that God is greater than our fears. When I was once warned not to preach again in a particular place, it was God that helped me to go back and preach a few days later. He is able!

The Blessing of Peace: When storms surround you, it is God’s peace that will keep you from making the wrong decisions. Without that peace, most missionaries would not last one term on the field. God’s peace passes all understanding!

As Paul wrote to Thessalonica:

“Brethren, pray for us.” (1 Thess. 5:18)

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June 30th, 2024 - I Love America Sunday will be an abbreviated 6 PM (30-minute) service with a cook-out and a volleyball tournament to follow. There will be no Wednesday Evening Service on July 3rd, 2024.