How to pray for College Students

First, pray that we would be able to stay on top of our studies. Many if not all colleges and schools at this point have transferred over to an online platform of learning. Some people thrive more in a person to person setting than in an online setting. Not really having a set schedule of starting classes at 7:30 is tough and it is very easy to be lazy when it comes to projects and homework. 

Second, pray that we can adjust to being back at home. It is hard to live a relatively independent life for three months and then suddenly with three days’ notice have to be back at home. We left our friends, jobs, counselors, and for some their significant other. This is hard for many students because many are jobless right now because of the time that we are facing. But especially be in prayer for those that do not have a solid home to go to. Maybe their parents are unsaved, or they have been told to not come back home because they choose to go to bible college instead of what their parents wanted them to do. This is a big burden that these students are facing so please especially pray for these students. 

Third, pray that the students will grow in this opportunity. This is not normal. This virus has wrecked a lot of plans over the last couple of months, but we know that God is sovereign and that He has a plan for this. Church we need to remember that our God is in control. While these kinds of things will make people say, “why would God do this” and doubt God; may this time be one of hope. Hope that God will do something awesome out of this time! 

Last, please pray for the seniors. Many of them had plane tickets booked; wedding dates set, and ministries to go to, but have had to cancel many of those because of this. Pray for them to trust that God has everything under control, and that everything will work together for good. (Rom 8:28) 

I believe that when God lead Pastor to choose the theme for this year to be Greater Things;  God already knew about this virus, He already knew everything that was going to happen in 2020, but I truly believe that through this we are going to see and be able to do Greater Things because of this. Again church, I want to thank all of you again for the prayers, and as you are trying to navigate this weird time along with us; let’s remember that this virus has given us an awesome opportunity to share the gospel with those around us. Let’s not be fearful in this time, but let’s be faithful!


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